
Underage drinking: Talking to your teen about alcohol

Talking about underage drinking

You might be unsure of what to say and your teen might try to dodge the conversation. To start the discussion, choose a time when you are both relaxed. Don't worry about covering everything. If you talk often, you might have a greater impact on your teen than if you talk only once.

When you talk about underage drinking:

  • Ask your teen's views. Find out what your teen thinks about alcohol. If your teen is interested in drinking, ask why.
  • Debunk myths. Teens often think that drinking makes them popular or happy. Explain that alcohol can make you feel "high," but it's a depressant that can also cause sadness and anger.
  • Discuss reasons not to drink. Explain the risks of teen drinking, and appeal to your teen's self-respect. If you have a family history of alcoholism, be honest. Explain that your teen might be more vulnerable to unhealthy alcohol use.
  • Plan ways to handle peer pressure. Brainstorm with your teen about how to respond to offers of alcohol. It might be as simple as saying, "No thanks" or "Do you have any soda?"
  • Be prepared for questions. Your teen might ask if you drank alcohol when you were underage. If you did, you might admit a painful moment related to your drinking.

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